I finally understood: Stack Overflow is just like social life itself: keep calm and you'll be rewarded!
When I first joined SO, it was because I saw a question and I did want to give an answer. As time goes, and I see more and more pages with members with so high reputation, I thought: "there are so many members who already know the same answer I'm about to give, and they came here years before I did; their reputation will always stay unreachable;" and I went frustrated.
Today I know that this is the wrong way to go with SO. I realized that:
- Stack Overflow is not a place for competitions like battles/wars where we should hear: "I am the most intelligent," and just after that: "No, not you - it's me the one most intelligent!" and so on...
SO should be a place where one has to present himself as a valuable person.
- Reputation is definitely far from being intelligence: As soon as you've -one day- answered a single question that made someone happy, then you are a valuable person! No matter whether you have 10 reputation or not.
qq|$SO_Reputation| =~ /ThankYouSoMuch/
: Reputation is some kind of "Thank You", some kind of side effect; the more you have, the more you appear to be open to others.
I now think that the following should be among the "things that should certainly be considered when you're a member of SO" :
- Keep calm! This is not an arena for fights in order for the crowd to see the best one. Just answer anywhere when you're deeply convinced that you can.
- You should not answer a question because you want to earn reputation; IMHO the most useless answers come from that idea that "I have to earn reputation therefore I have to answer many questions."
- Your reputation is just perfect, even if it's tiny. You've answered a question one day that solved someone's problem. Then you are valuable. Period. Whether you did it 1000 times or only 1 time, you still are valuable. Your reputation is just right as it is.
- You shouldn't buy reputation, even if one day that becomes possible.
And most importantly, I did not answer that question with a view to earn reputation.