Few weeks ago I was going through my old answers and found out one with score 0 and 25K views, where the accepted one had +40.
I gave a solution A and the accepted one gave a solution B, a couple of minutes before. Both quite equivalent, mine having the good thing of avoiding opening a sub-shell, which is kind of a good practise in bash. OP accepted the solution B and I don't blame anybody for it, it is part of the game :)
Few months after the question was made, the accepted answer got some feedback from another user that lead to an extension that is the exact same approach of mine. The answerer commented back with a message like provided an alternative to address your concern. (fedorqui had already addressed it too.)
So now the accepted answer is A+B.
When I noticed, I commented in the answer that it would be good to have some kind of attribution to my answer, but nothing has been replied by the answerer.
So now my [I think as good as the other one] answer lies on the bottom of the page with score 0, whereas the other one gets more and more upvotes using something I already wrote in the first place. What should I do?
I have read the related Should I downvote on an answer that includes what is essentially the same as mine, after they have answered? but still I am not certain about what should be done apart from what I already did.