So this question pops up in the reopen queue:
The question is highly off-topic, and the OP admits to it. Deletion seems to be the appropriate action, because it really doesn't serve much purpose since it's just a thread linking to other sites and all of the answers could be flagged low quality (two answers link to the same W3Schools page). There are already two delete votes, so I clicked to vote for deletion and...
This question cannot be deleted because other questions are linked as duplicates of this one.
Those posts must be deleted - or reopened, if they are not truly duplicates - before this question can be deleted.
Ok... So what's marked as a duplicate of this? There's a handy link to them,
So it's a laundry list of mostly poor questions that generally point back to this question as a "Please learn SQL" statement. I only count four that count this question as a duplicate of them and none of them are asking for an SQL tutorial. Of those four, three could be deleted and the other is an otherwise decent question that should be reopened. The rest are either poor questions or failed attempts to mark it as a duplicate.
Is this something for only moderators to handle? I wasn't sure where to even begin in trying to flag this since it covers so many threads.