I just have noticed1, that several tags for online code judge engines like spoj, codechef, project-euler seemingly were burninated on SO.
I'm pretty sure, that at least the spoj was there, since I've once posted a tag wiki improvement (think I did the same for codechef later as well).
Well, though I don't think that the kind of questions tagged with these mentioned above, will usually provide any good value for SO.
But the tags alone shouldn't be burninated IMHO.
These still may point out for bad questions (user introduced or not), that should be closed because we can't really tell finally why these online code judge engines reject posted code (That was the essence of my edits to the tag wiki info).
Not finally sure, but you could think of such tags like a "honeypot" indicator, for probably bad questions, and it's stated in the tag wiki info, why it may considered a bad question. I've been watching about these tags, and kept setup awareness regarding the OJ engine related points of failure.
Don't get me wrong please:
I don't think that questions about code posted to online code judge engines are generally wrong, or frowned upon for SO somehow.
But many of them just end up with the intrinsics of these kind of engines, which usually aren't disclosed. Thus such questions inherently can't be answered concisely.
So are there certain criteria I've missed about valid tags, and why were these mentioned tags burninated actually?
1) I just tried to add the spoj tag for a question that clearly stated the relation.