Would it be possible to alert users who post SO questions without code, that the user 'should' add code if their question is related to code, which it probably is.
I see so many questions from new users that simply ask a question, e.g., "why is my footer going left and not staying central".
These questions just waste everyone's time, including the user who posted them.
Just an idea...
So how would this work?
If a post contains no code, then before posting, a simple message saying:
Is this a question asking for coding help? If so, please include code that you've tried
If a user has 1 reputation point, or maybe less than 10, then also include this message that links to the new users section:
Click here to make sure you get the best out of Stack overflow
These are not groundbreaking changes, but just simply to make SO more useful to everyone. A page where you see each question with a negative score because of lack of information gets old really fast for me.