There is an automatic job that deletes single-use tags after 6 months. No attempt is made at determining whether the tags are good and should remain, or whether the tags are a variant name of another tag and should be renamed or made synonyms. No attempt is made to retain tags that have proved their worth, for example with a tag wiki. There is no way to explicitly declare a tag as good. Even beta sites, where it is expected that the tag system is still evolving, are not exempt.. This job is not subject to any review, not even after the fact: one day the tags are there, the next day they're gone.
At the rate of posting on Stack Overflow, the fact that a tag has only one use after 6 months is not a sign that it's a bad tag: bad tags still ramp up uses very fast. A tag with a single use denotes either a bad tag that no one else has found, hence which isn't causing any harm; or else it denotes a rarely-used topic (language, library, tool, …) that should stay (sometimes it takes years for a community to build up, and you can't build a community if you shoot the first person who comes waiting for similar souls).
Please either:
- turn off the job that deletes single-use tag, and provide a log of past deleted tags so that we can add them back where appropriate; or
- provide evidence that the deletions were beneficial to the site (I don't know what form the evidence could take other than a log of past deleted tags so that we can ascertain that the tags were indeed useless in a vast majority of cases).
(Note: if there was a review queue for suspicious tags, that would be a good thing. What's harmful is the silent, unreviewable deletion of tags that is not based on any usefulness criteria.)