It was closed because the original question as posed suffered from a few problems. Here's the original question for context:
can't understand this ruby code
maybe it's very basic question , but i'm a C# developer , new to ruby on rails
I can't understand how this code work. Can anyone give me some explanation.
<%= 1.hour.from_now.localtime %>
It's a question that does not have any searchable text in it, at all. If someone googles 'Can't understand this ruby code', maybe they'll find this post. Otherwise it has no value for anyone who may have this same problem. So the title has a lack of clarity.
The question also suffers from the same problem as the title. You could remove everything but the last sentence and be left with the same question. If anyone searches for "new to ruby on rails and I can't understand how this code work [sic]", I'd be very surprised.
The OP couldn't be bothered to use any sort of capitalization or punctuation in the proper places.
So it was closed. That part's right.
It was closed as "too broad". That's because some people have taken very specific advice and tried to apply it to everything. That part is wrong. It should not have been closed for that reason.
It's not too broad, as an answer could be a few sentences.
What this question really lacks is usability: But that could be fixed through editing; and closure helps the OP understand what they need to do to get their question re-opened. In this case, the community failed the OP by closing it for the wrong reason.