I was looking through the First Post queue, and I came across this answer:
Amazon S3 static website - Redirect HTTPS to HTTP
(I posted to a comment on it, not the answer itself--side note, could someone let me know in a comment how to discover the permalink to an answer?)
I commented that it wasn't really an answer and gave the How to Answer link, but what is the appropriate action here? I respect the poster's attempt to help add some information to the question, but it really isn't an answer.
What's the preferred method to add on personal experience like this to another person's question?
Or, just kidding. I see the answer was deleted. I don't know whether that was a result of pressure from me, or if it was deleted by a moderator or something. I don't have enough rep points to view it, but if I'm not mistaken it should be possible for someone with more to add a screenshot or something?
In any event, the answer was just adding in some details about things the poster had tried, including some CURL and DNS results.
button below it.