I have come across a question that was closed (i.e. put on hold as "unclear" by 5 people) very quickly after it was asked. Fortunately for the OP, some people were quick enough to answer it before it was closed.
I think that the 5 people are wrong, and the question is in fact very clear, so maybe I should vote to reopen it (as described in this post).
However, why bother? OP got their answer; everyone is happy.
However, this looks bad to a casual visitor who comes here through a google (closed question - is OP guilty of something?). In addition, the question was also downvoted (in my opinion, incorrectly) - does it mean that it will be deleted soon, unless it's reopened?
So, should I vote "reopen" in this situation?
P.S. here is the question (please note that I edited it after all the stuff described above took place):
What is the precedence of the ! operator vs -- in the expression !x--?
without a comparison inside;logical-not
on an integer; post-decrement) which are tricky by themselves; even more so when combined. There is no chance OP could just go RTFM and come up with a correct understanding. In addition, that seems to be pretty idiomatic code, so it's likely to help future visitors.if (!si--)
? They won't use a different variable name? Questions of the form "<code block>
explain" are almost impossible to help anyone else.