I came across this helpful post about lambda function closures in Python entitled What do (lambda) function closures capture in Python?.
The accepted and most voted answer references an earlier answer (by stating that the second question had been answered). As I'm lazy, I toggled the "Oldest" tab in order to sort the answers by posting time. However, the same answer came up on top.
Here's the thing though, that answer isn't the first. As shown by the timestamps, the earliest answer given was by Chris Lutz, at Feb 19 '10 at 9:55, and yet it shows in second to the most voted answer, which is timestamped Feb 19 '10 at 9:58 (so there's roughly a 3 minute difference between them).
It isn't a Fastest Gun in the West kind-of problem (reloading doesn't change the order). To check if this applies to other questions I quickly searched for a high-voted question and I found this, where again the accepted answer sits on top, although it isn't the first one (albeit the difference here is a mere 2 seconds).
As I'm noticing a pattern here (the accepted answer always gets on top) and I didn't find anything regarding this topic, I ask if this situation is actually a bug or if it is as planned.