So, I'm reviewing this question:
This is a repeat question, the original being here: libGDX - How do I make a Tiled Map scroll like the game Fall Down?
The original question does not have an accepted answer. When I saw it in the "close votes" review page, I tried to close it as a duplicate, and supplied the original URL. I'm told I can't do that, because there's no accepted answer. If I got to the question page itself and hit the "close" link, the same set of options pop up, but I can supply the original unanswered question as a duplicate (and it seems like several other people have done so).
Does this mean that the "close" vote link under the question and the "close votes" page under the review section are actually totally different things, despite their similarity, or does it mean that there's a bug in one or the other?
I've just noticed that I can vote to close from a question's page even after I've used up all of my 40 close votes that the review section allows me. That should be a slightly easier to replicate issue.