Not being cocky here or anything but having been in the top ten in VBA tag I can tell you about my experience with it; trust me I have read/seen hundreds if not thousands of questions tagged vba and its other variants.
Since I got familiar with the favorite tags feature I have always had vba and excel-vba added as I am most familiar with the Excel object model. I find people tagging their Ms Office related questions mostly with the vba and it's quite rare to see powerpoint-vba and not vba. Sometimes you see them combined. Sometimes you see vba and excel instead of like vbaexcel-vba etc.
I mostly answer vba and excel-vba questions and it makes it easier for me when the question is tagged with both. I rather avoid pure excel questions as most of them actually belongs on SuperUser and I really do not want / have time to filter out all the general questions asked on Ms Office (non-programmatic ones).
In my opinion, I like the distinction because you can favorite the tags you feel the most comfortable with and avoid other tags you're not familiar with.
See, not being rude, but a beginner may not be familiar with the vba history and may think it only applies to Excel, or Word. There are actually plenty of applications which use (or could use) VBA library - only if they are COM based.
In cases where a user wants to ask a question on CATIA and there was no CATIA tag and he wouldn't have enough reputation to introduce a tag then how would he tag his question? :) Pure VBA ftw:)
There is a little cheat I use once in a while to get a quick access to the questions I probably more likely enjoy reading and answering by putting a search query together. I combine vba with other ones like oop, class, interface, properties etc to narrow down the questions to those more abstract ones which are far more interesting than "how to find the last row" hehe