I can relate to what you're going through. I was really close to getting a question ban (probably still am given my low reputation on SO), but I want to emphasize what the other answer(s) mentioned, although they're pretty good already.
Using SO as a new user is tough because the rules don't entirely portray the mindset of what you end up learning along the way, which is more useful than anything I think:
- critical/logical thinking
- independence
- reading documentation
- putting the project on the back-burner/shelf
- searching skills
- trying (and failing)
I might miss one or two things, but this is what I ended up picking along the way. I didn't master any of these but, I think I got a feeling that I do have those in some form now.
Everyone can have those, it's easy.
As the other answer mentioned, asking yourself questions is far more critical (1) than anything else. Do you really need to ask X,Y,Z questions? but if you do, which we all need to, do you really need to do it, the way you're doing right now?
TLDR, you need to look up other good answers/questions and see what they all have in common. Are they related to the OP problem, or more general? Do they have multiple ways of answering the same or related questions? Are they accurate in the present time? etc
By not getting your answers/questions viewed in a good light, you can change the way you look at things. I ended up being much more independent when it comes to solving my own problems because of that. Even if they take more time, it became much more fun, and valuable (as a learning opportunity) but also, helpful to do so (both for valuing other people's time by only asking for help when it was really needed and for valuing my own time as well, since it wouldn't make sense if all of my woes are always solved by someone else)
I'm the first person to complain about a lack or non-existing documentation for certain things, or specific features in certain domains/contexts. I do so while knowing full well how hard it is to write good documentation and the work that people give for those, but I think a lot people can admit it can be frustrating nonetheless when those are the main reasons you can't find an immediate answer or use it to "Do Your Own Research".
That said, it's still relatively there, so use it anyway. Make use of every little piece of information for your related question/problem, and pull through.
If you don't have immediate answers, it's fine. Time is the deciding factor here. Call me an optimist, but I like to think that I'll find answers eventually or at least an alternative for what I want to do, so putting things on the side/back-burner/shelf is fine too.
It sounds easy when people say it, but it's more finicky and complex than it sounds. You see, search engines are weird. They are all relatively similar, but their result differs, for various technical reasons I'm not gonna go over here. But they are still (immensely) useful. Just by switching a word here, or a meaning there, or using a synonym, you get closer and closer to your potential "clue" or answer for your problem. Even if you don't, you can still pick up good habits for creating good queries to find things.
Trying things related to your problem, even if they will likely fail is a good thing too (provided you take into account the cons of it). If the only cons for you is "Time", then go for it. Otherwise, if there are other deciding factors (eg: responsibility, etc), maybe just depending on this alone is not that good of an idea. But it's still a potential option.
I think I missed a lot of key points here, but I think I managed to put my point across. Whether it was done in a good way or not, that's probably up to whoever is gonna upvote/downvote or comment.
I said what I said, so make what you can/want of it, and good luck.