Looking in the delete queue - there's always many duplicates. Now some truly bring no value to the site. They have no or one poor answer (if judging answers by votes) and they won't be missed being deleted.
Some have good answers (again judging answers by votes) , or at least one good answer and many other answers that are also not bad.
For example:
Loop scope for variable in Java
Why does equals "==" operator behave differently
Unexpected Behaviour when printing ' ' with ints?
Often times people can go through the linked duplicates to find a solution they understand. Particularly for people new to programming (talking from my own past experience), some people think literally and it can take looking at an answer in many forms for the penny to drop. In other instances the answers will vary and all be valid.
For example, in this question and its linked duplicates:
Could not find required file 'setup.bin'
If the duplicate target has a load of answers, it's understandable that there is a limit to what can be said in a different way between the answers of both the target and the linked duplicates
What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it?
However, it may well serve a good purpose having many examples for these popular duplicates, to assist newcomers. (I know they helped me in the beginning).
It's more worrying when the duplicate target does not have many answers on it.
For example this question (which has no delete votes - but is here as a benchmark)
void pointer as an argument in function
What parameters do we want when deleting duplicate questions?