The questions Text editor to open big (giant, huge, large) text files and Best Free Text Editor Supporting *More Than* 4GB Files? don't meet today's "on-topic" standards, so I understand why they are closed.
But on the other hand, they are highly useful question for the programmers community (we have nearly all wanted to view 2GB+ log files at least once): 1022 upvotes and probably more if the question-upvoting was not locked (it is).
Keeping them locked is problematic because we cannot even upvote/downvote the question answers, leave a comment note about new versions of a given tool, tell about other solutions, etc.
Deleting seems to be a bad solution, because it removes availability of very useful knowledge about resources for programmers
Locking keeps the question/answers in a frozen state which is also not optimal
More generally, which good solution could we find for questions 1) with a historical importance, 2) and 1000+ upvotes?
Proposal A: If a locked post has 1000+ upvotes, this means it's highly useful for the community. So we do an "exception to the rules", and leave it open, with a note
"This post does not meet the today's on-topic criteria. However since it has a long history and is considered as hugely beneficial to the community, we keep it open."
Proposal B: migrate it to In this particular example, Text editor or reader for working with huge files in Windows already exists, but both questions are useful on their own
Edit: If migrating of a 1000+ votes question is complicated, we can start with the smaller question Best Free Text Editor Supporting *More Than* 4GB Files?.
Comments disabled on deleted / locked posts / reviews
on the top of the question.