I've perused the new blog post — What a very bad day at work taught me about building Stack Overflow’s community. There are some decent points being made in there with respect to the amount of feedback that Stack Overflow gives people when they ask questions, which is something that has been pointed out since time immemorial in these parts.
If you read through this, you see that there is a "come to Jesus"-moment for the company in that it realizes that the UX is actually the culprit when it comes to perceived unwelcomeness to the site.
This is good. This is what we want to happen; a discussion around how the site comes across, and not about how we're somehow being mean and should stop being mean. (Remember: I'm over being blamed for that.)
But I decided to also read between the lines and I found some things a bit...concerning.
We want to make sure people are getting necessary feedback without feeling called out or publicly embarrassed. We will be working on new paths to improve content quality and reduce friction between people. Our goal is to have the question asking process be painless and beneficial for new users and Stack Overflow veterans alike.
There's some things to unpack here.
Embarrassment is more cultural than you realize. I was having a shower thought this morning on the Japanese culture and was reminded of an article explaining how Japanese Pokemon Go players felt a bit timid about "making friends" in the game to advance their account.
This also applies to other circumstances as well; it can take a lot of courage and effort to actually ask questions of relative strangers, or to interact with relative strangers, and I'm just not convinced that any amount of prose or UX is going to reduce the barrier to that. Stack Overflow could throw $10 million at this problem and have less to show for it in the end.
Lofty goals aside, content quality as a goal is at odds with reducing friction. If you want good quality content, you have to be prepared to incur some amount of friction. The lightest touch point there is duplicates; if we get yet another
cookie-cutter question, the nicest thing we can do for them is to close it as a duplicate. But this was called out as part of a negative experience.The way the system is currently built, when you ask a question that could use some editing or is a duplicate, a bunch of people come out of the woodwork to tell you you’ve done something wrong.
Hopefully your new UX explains that duplicates aren't wrong, but I don't think you'll ever really get over that hump.
Asking questions is already painless. It takes no effort to create an account and ask a question here. The struggle point would be "beneficial", which leads back to a reliable curation system of votes and duplicates, which would in theory lead to a reduction of asking questions, which would imply that asking questions should be harder, not easier. Or, maybe I'm too skeptical at this point. I'd love to be convinced otherwise.
Now at last we come to the final statement(s) of the blog post, and this is honestly why I was glad I re-read the post.
By improving the way people give each other feedback, we can improve question quality without putting the burden on our users to police the website. We will empower our long time users to become mentors and teachers in order to bring the spirit of Stack Overflow back to what it was in the beginning, a place where people come to share and learn. By thinking hard about how we give feedback, we’ll help people learn instead of driving them away. We’ll get more people involved and improve question quality.
First, I don't think any of us really had a problem with policing the site. We had a problem with what felt like a Herculean task; we were given a rubber mallet and told to reduce El Capitan to rubble. Sure, we were legion, but a rubber mallet is only going to get you to go so far so fast. Oh, did I mention that at some point during this process, it felt like our rubber mallets got switched out for toy mallets, and El Capitan became sentient and had become empowered to call us out for hitting it too hard with the toy mallet? That was a rough last year...
Second, I've already given some thoughts to mentorship on Stack Overflow, and I remain more convinced than ever that it will not scale. What we do best is Q&A, and if we dilute that, we'll do two things really, really poorly.
What I really want to avoid is another instance like the Documentation effort, where we allowed straight-up beginner prose to dominate the site until there wasn't much value left.
Thirdly, I'd like to know if I can interpret this as a statement of the new goal and mission for Stack Overflow.
We will empower our long time users to become mentors and teachers in order to bring the spirit of Stack Overflow back to what it was in the beginning, a place where people come to share and learn.
This is only because I always thought it was about providing an answer to every programming question out there.
Anymore it feels like "learning" is just shoehorned in here for convenience sake. People learn by doing, and that's not likely to change. By explicitly stating that people are here to learn, you just open up the flood gates - unwittingly or not - to questions which are poor and Twitter comments complaining about how so-and-so "just wanted to learn", which is backed by your statement.
So, is this where we're actually going now? Are we going to become a place where people can learn? Is this Stack Overflow's endgame?
" comment are low effort and very effective. Patiently and compassionately explaining the meaning ofNullPointerException
and how to use a debugger repeatedly to each and every lazy slacker who posts a crap question simply will not scale. [cont'd]