I posted a question, and it got downvoted within seconds with no comment. Was my question a terrible one or violating the FAQ? I didn't think so when I asked it, and I only asked it after an honest effort to find the answer in the documentation of the library I'm using.
I'm not mad that I was downvoted. Maybe there is some perspective I didn't have, and my question was indeed a poor-quality question. But there really isn't a way for me to know because the downvoter simply downvoted and moved along.
Basically I'm posting now because I'm wondering, would it make sense to make downvotes free if the downvoter leaves a comment on why they're downvoting? This way people are incentivized to give feedback which improves the user experience and trains them to produce better quality posts in the future.
Please realize that this question is unlike a lot of similar posts on the topic for the following reasons:
- I am not suggesting we force people to leave comments. They could still downvote and lose their reputation points if they choose to. Downvotes as they are today would continue unimpeded.
- I am making it easier for people who want to downvote, but I don't want to lose the reputation points. If anything, this will encourage more downvotes.