This is more a curiosity question.
In the last few years that I've been member I've seen the same trend every year.
Summer ends, and the basic questions start to pour in.
Autumn progresses and the object access questions pour in.
Winter is coming and array permutations start to take hold.
So I'm kinda thinking this is the trend at schools how the classes progress.
Are there any statistics we can couple on this? so we can kinda follow the teaching trends (framework/languages/aspects taught) how such a classes in general, or per region (North America, Europe, Asia, etc..) progress through the year?
I would think one limiting factor could be questions asked by users < 500 rep with account created less than one year ago on moment question asked.
Other limiting factors could be the variables mentioned in Why is the quality of PHP questions, on Stack Overflow, in decline?
Does anyone else have any other suggestions how we could limit some data to get some sort of tentative insight?