So, let me tell you a story about how a series of individually well-intended steps led me to apparently become the scourge of Stack Overflow.
I was working on a small project, and I ran into an odd problem: the program compiled fine on two compilers, but the third one gave a completely unhelpful and perplexing error message. I searched the web for a while, and could not find a single mention of that specific error message in the given context. The code was not particularly complicated or unusual, either... "I'll ask on Stack Overflow", I thought.
I typed out the question, and got a few more ideas as I was doing so. I checked a few leads and after another 20 minutes of research, finally had my answer (a missing compiler switch), and continued on with my project.
Fast-forward to a few hours later, I was clearing out my browser tabs, and saw that I had already typed out the question. I already knew the answer... though, considering how long it took me to find it, I thought that surely posting an answer myself would help anyone encountering the error message in the future.
I made sure of the following:
- The error message was the question title. This should put the question as the top result for a Google search.
- The question contained a complete, self-contained example.
- The full output from the compiler was specified.
And looking at "What topics can I ask about here?":
- Yep, this is a specific programming problem.
- Yep, this is a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development.
- Yep, this includes the relevant details. (In retrospect I also could've included the compiler versions. I did not suspect that they could be relevant at the time. Someone asked for them in the comments, which I then provided.)
- No, I made sure that this was not a typographical error.
So, I check "Answer your own question". After all, the linked Jeff's blog post says it's "explicitly encouraged", what could go wrong? I post it and go on with my day.
Half an hour later, I check back on it, and to my great surprise, I see:
- 2 close votes;
- 9 downvotes (between the question and answer); and
I don't think I've ever received so many votes (up or down) in such a short period of time, ever. What happened?
The most-upvoted comment is:
What is the point of your self-answered question? Do you intend to document every single error that clang can throw?
So, you can probably see what happened there.
In the end, after I clarified my intentions in the comments, the votes mostly evened out, I walked off with a net increase in reputation (upvotes give more points than downvotes remove; not that reputation was the motivator anyway), the close votes timed out, and my question is now the #1 Google search result for that error message. Mission accomplished!
All this happened two weeks ago (I took some time to cool off as at that moment I was hopefully-understandably somewhat shocked that my well-intended attempt to improve the website was met with such animosity). Though, looking back at it now, I'm still curious why this happened.
Have I made a mistake? Did I miss or misinterpret a site policy somewhere? Was the question too obscure / trivial for this website? The flow of votes mostly reversed course after I posted my intention in the comments... but was this necessary in the first place? Should I include a justification with all self-answered questions from now on?
It seems to me that there is an apparent disconnect on the opinion on self-answered questions between the website administration and the community. Obviously, Stack Overflow the website benefits from good self-answered questions - it's free content, thus more pageviews and ad impressions. However, from the community's point of view, it's easy to see it as a lame grab for reputation. Self-answered questions seem to be held to a much higher standard... which is simultaneously understandable and not. Is there an actionable point here?