I just stumbled upon a few questions related to IBM Bluemix, where most of them are posted and answered by the same person. So far, that's fine with the Stack Overflow rules, as answering your own question is encouraged.
What I find more irritating is that all of the persons are employees of IBM and often also directly work on Bluemix.
The question at first looks genuine, though it's a bit confusing as the answer suggest the person did some attempts that didn't work and then reply to itself.
My actual problem with this is, there is no disclaimer that the person is working at/on Bluemix and is an employee of IBM.
This gives the answer a bitter taste of hidden advertising.
The offending questions:
- Is it possible to run ASP.NET Core application in IBM Containers for Bluemix?
- Need floating IPs to create a container in IBM Bluemix (BXNUI0110E)
- How can I run a command on an existing container in IBM Bluemix?
- Service broker error when adding Single Sign On service
- When does the Apache Kafka client throw a “Batch Expired” exception?
- How can I secure the connection the server and connected devices when using IBM's “Internet of Things Foundation”?
- Static buildpack deploy now failing due to unsupported stack
- Pitney Bownes Location API from NodeJS -> [Error: UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE]
Some of them don't mention Bluemix specifically in the title, but all of them are tagged with bluemix and especially the profile of James Thomas where all of his 5 questions are self-answered ones, this makes 50% of his 10 answers self-answered questions related to bluemix.
Edit: My proposal is that questions (only in case of self-answering Q/A) should be having a disclaimer added. I don't have an issue with self-answering itself (as stated above) and also not if the developers of a framework answer to other users. But, for example, most Microsoft employees here on SO have a "- MSFT" addition to their name. This way such things get more obvious.