I'm quite new on Stack Exchange (especially Stack Overflow), and I'm disturbed by this answering way.
Why do some "good" users of Stack Overflow prefer to answer in comments and not with an answer post?
Is it a better way to answer a question?
I'm quite new on Stack Exchange (especially Stack Overflow), and I'm disturbed by this answering way.
Why do some "good" users of Stack Overflow prefer to answer in comments and not with an answer post?
Is it a better way to answer a question?
I contribute to Stack Overflow because I want to help people. I also take a certain amount of pride in giving "good" answers to questions, that is, not only a snippet of code, but also an explanation of the concepts that led to the problem in the first place.
If I know how to solve the problem, but don't have time to write an answer that I think is an appropriate standard, I will often put that answer in a comment. First, this may be enough to help the OP. Second, it may be enough to help someone else to write a good answer. If they don't, I'll generally come back to it later in the day to write it up as a proper answer.
The other circumstance is when the problem is obviously trivial or a very common duplicate. In which case I'll vote to close, but I'll also try to give a brief solution in a comment, because I'm nice.