It is most likely that they are using a session variable to store the value of pagesize so that if it is not present in the GET params it will use the last known value in the query.
This is a pretty standard operating procedure especially in pagination requests. This is also how the system would know which page of your search results to return to if you clicked on a particular link to an article or product, etc.
In Lasso this code would look something like this:
//start session and add spaces for variables
session_addvar($session_name, 'sv_sort')
session_addvar($session_name, 'sv_page')
session_addvar($session_name, 'sv_pagesize')
//initialise session vars if they don't exist
not var_defined('sv_sort') ? var(sv_sort = 'newest')
not var_defined('sv_page') ? var(sv_page = 1)
not var_defined('sv_pagesize') ? var(sv_pagesize = 10)
//test for request params to update session vars
web_request->param('sort')->asString->size ? $sv_sort = web_request->param('sort')->asString
web_request->param('page')->asString->size ? $sv_page = integer(web_request->param('page'))
web_request->param('pagesize')->asString->size ? $sv_pagesize = integer(web_request->param('pagesize'))
//perform search function with the session vars
local(questions = so_questions->search($sv_sort, $sv_page, $sv_pagesize)
// output results
with q in #questions do => {^
<output individual question html>
Now when I go to the /questions page, the "missing" variables are inserted. Also this means that when I return to /questions after reading one in detail I will return to the page I left from without the detail page needing to know anything about how I got there.
Here, of course I am assuming a type (class) called so_questions with a public method search(sort::string, page::integer, pagesize::integer) that will return an array of html blocks suitable for output.
Naturally this is a very stripped down example to give you the idea of how search result pages typically utilise session variables to "remember" user input.