I admit, it's a slow news day.
Capitalize "possible duplicate of <x>" properlyCapitalize "possible duplicate of <x>" properly recently went through the typical "feature-request" → "staff response" → "status-completed" phase. Then something mildly interesting happened: the question was closedwas closed as "not-reproducible" (it's since been re-opened).
Apparently, there is a precedent for this, both from a while ago and recently:
Share your knowledge, Q&A-style link is brokenShare your knowledge, Q&A-style link is broken (this has been re-opened since I asked this question)
But it's clearly not the norm:
Unclosed status-completed questions: 744744
Closed status-completed questions (not including duplicates): 22
Is it appropriate to close such questions as being not reproducible once they're fixed? Do such questions warrant any responses or discussion after they've been implemented?
Alternatively, should a moderator or staff member tagging a question with status-completed cause an automatic closing of the question (admittedly more appropriate as a feature-request, if it's supported, than a discussion question)?
What are the community's thoughts on this?