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Donald Duck
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OK, bumped, but it is being used as a duplicate target. [<> <>].
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Peter Mortensen
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how How can I know who has up votedupvoted and who down voteddownvoted?

FewA few days back I asked one question. FewA few users up votedupvoted it and few down voteddownvoted it. But I have no clue who has voted in my question. Is

Is there anya way to know that who has up votedupvoted or who has down voteddownvoted my question or answer?

how can I know who has up voted and who down voted?

Few days back I asked one question. Few users up voted it and few down voted it. But I have no clue who has voted in my question. Is there any way to know that who has up voted or who has down voted my question or answer?

How can I know who has upvoted and who downvoted?

A few days back I asked one question. A few users upvoted it and few downvoted it. But I have no clue who has voted in my question.

Is there a way to know that who has upvoted or who has downvoted my question or answer?

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how can I know who has up voted and who down voted?

Few days back I asked one question. Few users up voted it and few down voted it. But I have no clue who has voted in my question. Is there any way to know that who has up voted or who has down voted my question or answer?