Saw this earlier on Freelancer, and wondered what the consensus was?
One view point would be that you shouldn't be able to buy rep, but on the other hand if that person is willing to pay someone to answer questions and those answers make the site a better place then why not!
Just wondered how this was viewed by others?
As others have stated the project as been removed, from my original email Notification the project. The description was this
** Build Up Stack Overflow reputation **
Looking for someone to use my stackoverflow account to answer questions for the
topics on the languages listed as skills in the project, thus build me up a
reputation. Paying 25$ per 100 reputation points before 1000 poi ...
Topics in question were .NET | Java | Javascript | jQuery / Prototype | SQL
Unfortunately I don't have the rest, think it was something about $35 per 100 points over 1000