I ran across this question while going through the first posts queue. I skipped it because, while it felt wrong to me, I didn't know exactly how to respond.
The OP is trying to embed an excel document into sharepoint. Specifically they're having trouble getting the scrollbars to show up.
One of the answers indicates that this is a bug (but fails to give a version number or link to the tracker as indicated in this post).
My first instinct was to flag this as not an answer, since the majority of the response was basically pleasantry. After stripping that away you're left with one actually helpful statement:
This bug is now fixed
There are two pieces of information here: One, that this behavior is a bug, and two, that in new versions of the software it should be fixed. That is actually useful information. Now I start to second guess myself. According to this post, benefit of the doubt goes to the answer. If there was an attempt, it counts. So perhaps a downvote for lack of specifics rather than a flag, or a comment asking for clarification?