I recently got two sets of three flagged (by me) comments declined. The comments were clearly insulting.
The first three were to this question where I initially pointed the asker to site-rules and that the questions is off-topic (which apparently I wasn't the only). Instead of at least some lame excuse, OP went rude. I tried to stay friendly, but got another two insults. I flagged all three. After quite some time, instead of just deleting the insults (and possibly context) posts, all comments were deleted. My flags were all declined.
Same for this answer where I only posted a link to a meta post about answering bad questions, no further text. Again, I got some pretty insulting comments, not even by the post owner, but a third user who insisted the question is OT and I should not attack answerers that way (by posting a relevant meta!). I tried to argue reasonable, even others did, but just got more offence. So one more try: flagging. Same result: Flags sticked some time, then all comments were deleted, flags declined.
In the meantime, both question were closed for the reasons I already assumed. 5 regular votes, no hammers.
So, ok, maybe I should not have tried to reason after the first insult. For the second user being a high rep >30k one I thought I had hope, though. But even if I shouldn't, I don't see how that justifies further attacks.
Nevertheless, I would have accepted my flags disputed (which does not have a negative effect AFAIK). I'm also fine with all comments deleted. This would have signaled me "you should have retracted after the first insult".
But getting well justified flags declined clearly states: "it is fine you got insulted. Just don't care about the site, don't inform people about their wrong-doing". Fine, if that's intended, I got it, mods. Us users shall not try to help keep this site as fine as it used to be (and should be). Don't point people at the rules.
But maybe this is just another one of "shi(f)t happens" - the second in a week for me. Well ....
I understand this post is a bit problematic, as I can't show the comments as proof. Nevertheless I try my luck, I haven't given up completely yet.
Important information
If too many flags are declined in some period, a flag-ban strikes for an undisclosed duration. I had that recently where my flag was errorneously declined while I was (apparently) at the edge of a ban. Acceptable for a single flag, but for three on a row or even six in short succession? To be clear: I accept a ban if there is a good reason; Err'ing is human and I do learn from my errors. But I don't want to get punished for others missbehaviour or errors.
Further readings
- Comment flag declined, all comments now deleted - what happened?
- Why were my flags declined but the flagged comments removed?
- Why were my flags on these posts declined, when the moderator took the suggested action?
The answer to the last questions implies there is a way to send a custom message to the flagger, which would have at least shed some light about the reason. Maybe there is need for some mod-training?
The first set of comments are available now. This is the older event. Note that I only posted this meta after the second one. The reason is I was about to accept the declined flags and move on.
However, the second one is more clear and not covered by mod resonses until now. Seeing the same procedure there triggered this post. I'm curious if we ever get to see those comments.