First off, I'm tagging this as a discussion to gather other people's views on the matter. I imagine this question will be highly down-voted by users who ignore to read past this first paragraph, but please bear with me here.
I'm asking this as a follow up to my earlier question here, which asks whether it's okay to add the CSS3 tag to a CSS question from several years ago which has a highest-voted CSS3 answer.
Why is CSS3 not a tag synonym of CSS?
A few months ago the user cVplZ asked this question here on Meta: Can we please make [css3] a synonym of [css]? This question was majority-downvoted with the reasoning that because CSS3 introduces new concepts which weren't present in CSS2.1 (or lower) these should be separated. Makes sense, but this seems to go against how most other tags work on StackOverflow. After all, html4 isn't a synonym of html, and conversely php5 is a tag synonym of php whereas php4 isn't.
What's the problem?
The problem is that this works both ways. As an example, Internet Explorer 7 as far as I'm aware does not support any of the features introduced by CSS3. You could argue that Internet Explorer 7 was released so long ago now that it no longer matters, but unfortunately this isn't the case. Since the start of the year Internet Explorer 7 has popped up in at least 5,000 questions and answers on StackOverflow (based on the IE7 tag and searches for IE7, "IE 7" and "Internet Explorer 7") - and this is one browser alone. Internet Explorer 8 also doesn't support a large number of CSS3 features, neither do several other still-popular browsers.
Why is this a problem?
It's a problem because questions featuring CSS in non-CSS3-supporting browsers must explicitly state that CSS3-related answers are not desired, as css2.1 is a tag synonym of CSS. In my mind, this goes completely against the purpose of tags in the first place. As it currently stands, 61.1% of the questions tagged css3 on StackOverflow also feature the css tag. In the 3 months since cVplZ proposed the tag synonymity of the CSS3 and CSS, 69.8% of CSS3 questions have also had the CSS tag.
How can we fix this?
If we're to continue to separate the CSS3 tag from the CSS tag we should also separate the CSS2.1 tag to conform to what tagging is all about. If I want to ask a question about CSS2.1 I should be able to do so without having to state please don't provide CSS3 answers within my question.
Finally, it should be pretty obvious that a question is talking about CSS3 anyway. You don't go into a question titled Need Help with CSS Media Queries and proceed to attempt to provide a non-CSS3 solution (which is largely the reason that most CSS3-specific questions do not feature the CSS3 tag at all). Although I guess this is more of an argument for the synonymity of the CSS3 tag rather than the removal of synonymity of the CSS2.1 tag.
As mentioned by Spokey his comment on this post, css currently has several CSS3 tag synonyms associated with it. I've highlighted the CSS3-specific tags in red. Here are the current synonyms:
And here are the currently-proposed synonyms:
The css3 tag itself currently has no synonyms at all. This is quite a mess...
I've down-voted the two CSS3 proposed synonyms and also down-voted the css-content synonym here because that was heavily modified in CSS3 and I feel should be a separate tag if we're to still keep the CSS3 tag separate.
Update 2
Since there have been a lot of up votes and no answers thus far I'm adding the Support tag to this as well in the hope of attracting more views (especially that of an official moderator who would have the power to alter the synonyms if deemed a good idea).
Update 3
It would be really nice to get some official opinions on this. It's been over a month and people are still adding CSS3 features as CSS tag synonyms and CSS2.1 is still a synonym itself.
like properties to CSS3 tag and not CSS tag