Following my Burninate [javax] tag I was convinced that javax should be synonym of java instead. Citation from answer:
So, it effectively means "Java standard library". For SO purposes, this means the same as java because it gives the same information to a reader:
is an integral part of any Java installation, it's present whenever Java is present. So, it carries no information about what you actually have available beside java: a tag about the specific Java version and flavor is needed for that.- The namespace is large and amorphous, so the tag gives no information about what functionality from it you have in mind (again, beside the fact it is java), you'll have to be more specific for anyone to be able to help you.
So, they tag shouldn't be burninated but rather synonymized to java.
By the way Wikipedia also redirects "javax" to Java.
What convinced me was looking at Synonyms of java where there is a lot of what I would call "onesided" synonyms like jre, openjdk.