TLDR: StackExchange automatically deleted useful reference information. How do I recover it?
About 5 years ago, I asked a question about .NET Localization. It received a bunch of upvotes and some really helpful answers that included a lot of useful knowledge. A few months later it was migrated to Programmers SE, where it gained a bunch more votes and some additional answers.
Over the years, I've referred to this question several times, but recently I went looking and found it to be deleted from both sites. It seems that this was the result of a failed attempt to migrate it back to StackOverflow in 2015 followed by an automatic deletion due to RemoveRejectedMigrations at the end of 2016.
While it may be a problem useful info can be automatically deleted from SE, my question is about how to recover the answers for this question.
- I have:
- trusted user access to the SO question;
- OP access to the SoftwareEngineering.SE (formerly Programmers).
I undeleted the StackOverflow question to see if it would recover the additional answers from SoftwareEngineering.SE, but unfortunately the undeleted post reverted to its previous SO state from before it was migrated over to Programmers.SE. Some answers are missing.
I don't have privileges to undelete the SoftwareEngineering.SE question, but I can navigate to it when logged in under my account. (I was the OP). All but one answer is missing. My guess is that if I got my SoftwareEngineering.SE reputation up then I could access the record, but it seems like there is an easier/faster way.