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tl;dr: is there anything stopping me from downvoting all of the questions in a certain tag that I don't like?

No, there's nothing really wrong about that (technically), and the serial voting reversal mechanism won't get after this.

The term "serial voting" usually is meant to describe voting anomalies targeting a specific user, not targeting tags.

But it's a silly action to downvote maybe, because it might not really refer to the questions quality, that the OP has mistakenly chosen a poor tag that exists in the system.

Though the better action about tags you don't like or believe these aren't useful, is to propose an edit removing that tag.

As from your comment:

Roughly 80-90% of the questions get a downvote within an hour if they get tagged under that. Other tags, including more populous tags, don't have a rate that high. .

This seems to improve that that particular tag isn't useful to put questions in a better context.

May be you could additionally come up with a tag burination request on meta to support your campaign.

Well, let's get serious:

The is a pretty frequent tag (18,389 questions currently), and it's unlikely that this tag gets burinated soon.

Though there seems to be some coincidence that this tag comes along with low question quality as observed from the downvotes. That might happen systematically.