I have been reading through several SO Q&As to find a general solution to a problem i faced without it being tailored to specific OP's needs.
I took the effort and created new Question, while as well providing, in my opinion, comprehensible Answer I devised during the process.
A user came by and argued that it's wrong. Suddenly a downvote appeared on my question. What should I do? I have seen this happening in SO, but there isn't yet a mechanism to counter that - or is there? ..or will there be? (What would happen if I flagged the user's comments?)
The question in question is here.
####from FAQ:
... to document that knowledge in public so that others (including yourself) can find it later, it's perfectly okay to ask and answer your own question on a Stack Exchange site.
####A user comment:
If the users habitually award points based on anything apart from the usefulness of the questions and answers, the site will end up as a respository of... what?
Potentially, would it be possible to flag dovnwotes for moderator's attention making the dovnwoters answer to an authority? **OR** what other kind of a mechanism would you suggest there should be to provide something to counter unreasonable downvotes?