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Better description of why I'm asking the question
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Should I upvote an originally-poor question that I have edited into understandability?

I recently found a question with a terrible title, hard-to-read code, and a confusing problem description. It was two hours old at the time I read it, and there had already been a discussion in the comments between the original poster and a pair of high-rep users trying to understand exactly what the problem was.

An hour after the others had stopped trying, I read over the post, figured out what the poster's actual problem was, and posted a solution that has since been accepted. Based on that, I then edited the question to clean up the title, format the code so it was clear where the issue was, and reword the question to explain what the problem was and what the desired fix should do.

In my opinion, it's now a pretty good question. It earned four downvotes over the first two hours, prior to my edits and answer, but I think it's the type of thing someone else might be able to find and benefit from if they run into the same thing.

My question is, should I upvote it? Obviously I'm now biased towards thinking it is "useful and clear". But it didn't show research effort, and the clarity only came after the fact from an external source. So do I upvote the question based on it's merits as they exist now, or leave it alone?

To put it another way, does upvoting a question I consider to be useful and clear matter more than potentially encouraging a new user to post poor-quality questions?

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