I'd like to start with saying that I emailed @Shog9 back in August with the text below, because I'm not a particularly good writer, and I was hoping he'd be able to write up a nice post here. A couple weeks ago I learned that he's quite a busy person, so I'm posting myself now. That being said...
The last few weeks/months I've become increasingly concerned about the voting culture on MSO (Meta Stack Overflow).
There are many legitimate support questions that get down-voted. If anything, it's a good thing that people find their way to Meta and ask for help on something they do not understand. I feel sad when these questions get down-voted, and you can often see the OP comment to ask why the down-votes are happening. Of course there are crap questions posted under the support tag too, that shows the OP did not even try one bit to see if a similar question exists.
To a lesser extent I see the same happening in the discussion tag. Down-votes are often justified as "I disagree with your discussion", and while that's often a fair down-vote, I feel that there are also quite a bit of discussions that should be voted on based on how interesting they are. Again, people taking the time to come to Meta and discuss something before they do a certain action on the main site, and the discussion gets down-voted. Instead a disagreeing answer should be posted and voted on, in my opinion.
What do you all think of this? Is there an actual problem? If so, how can we try to "fix" it?