In general, the only way to truly avoid revenge downvotes from people angry about being downvoted or having their questions closed is to avoid commenting on them. Revenge downvotes happen, because some people take votes rather personally.
That said, you have been a little abrasive with some of your comments lately, and we've been picking up flags on a number of them. I pointed one of these out to you recently. If a question is bad, downvote, vote to close as appropriate, and move on. There's no need to be impolite on top of that, and by doing so you make yourself more likely to be targeted by revenge votes.
In particular, I have been a bit concerned about the comments you have been leaving on several answers to questions you deemed unfit for the site. You have downvoted and left rather negative comments on helpful answers left to bad questions, and I would prefer that you stop that. Non-deleted examples can be found here, here, and here. I've personally removed several others.
I've stated this before, but going after those answering what you feel are bad questions is ultimately counterproductive. People mostly answer questions because they want to help, and because doing so is a fun challenge. The last thing we want to do is chase away subject matter experts because they were helping the "wrong" people. Driving experts away from bad questions won't stop those questions from being asked, in the end, because very few people think they are asking bad questions. Bad askers will keep asking on Stack Overflow as long as it sits atop the search rankings, and it won't matter if similar questions get answers or not. Insulting experts who answer these questions only will sour them on the site and deprive us of their expertise.