Since the raison d'etre for the reputation score/gamification is to motivate people to produce good content for the site, and closed questions are by definition not considered good content for the site, wouldn't it be better if the reputation gains for the answers were reverted when a question is closed?
That way we can avoid the irony of it motivating people to contribute bad content instead, or to encourage others to post bad content by answering it. I'm talking about the so called "repwhoring".
To avoid hurting anyone's feelings, this could be done only if the question is closed within 24 hours of its being asked, and old questions that were asked before could be exempted, too.
Writing this in response to Question quality is dropping on Stack Overflow, Where are the non-trivial PHP-questions lately?, Are high-reputation users answering fewer questions?, Thwart publishing duplicate and low quality questions
Some people raised in the comments the legitimate concern that this would lead to high-rep users voting to reopen in bad faith.
I have no good answer to this, except maybe reputation counters for the answers (but not for the question) can be hidden, until the 24-hour period expires. People can still vote on answers, the OP can accept an answer, but it's not shown until 24 hours. If the question is closed meanwhile, people don't see how much they lost, so they don't get emotional.
Since reputation is still visible for questions, you can spot good questions to answer to.
Remember, the goal is only to prevent "repwhores" from attracting "help vampires", who then spam the site with their questions, and make it all noise and no signal.
Edit (2):
I less intrusive way to deal with the problem would be to delay only the inbox notifications for reputation changes, and also the person's repscore, so he can't notice when he has lost reputation due to the question being closed. The 24-hour period can also be reduced to 6 or even 3 hour period. This can only be done for users with 3000+ rep, who are the only ones who can vote to reopen anyway.