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How do I get rid of Stack Overflow pop-ups? [duplicate]

How do I get rid of these pop ups that cover code?
HelfridH's user avatar
31 votes
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"Answer was accepted 1 time"?

When I hover my mouse over any "accept" event in the reputation tab of a profile, I see a text box saying Does this message suggest that an answer can be accepted more than once? I think it ...
mck's user avatar
  • 42.3k
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Why does the tag's tool tip remain open once the mouse has crossed over it?

Whenever my mouse moves over a tag its tool tip opens and doesn't close itself until I go over that tool tip again. Here is a screen shot of the tag information staying on the screen: . I'm using ...
DeshDeep Singh's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Is there a way of adding some caption or description to an image?

Sometimes I need to upload an image and then add some description about it. I think the post could have more quality if I could put some caption just down the image. Is there some way to do that?
Raydel Miranda's user avatar