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When is too broad not too broad?

A while back I flagged this question: Any way to add multiple images on Materialbox Materialize CSS? As too broad. As it turns out it may have been a victim of the error I pointed out here: Flagged ...
Jay Blanchard's user avatar
-4 votes
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What is the best situation to set a "Too Broad" flag into questions? [duplicate]

Sometimes I have a doubt about setting the "Too Broad" flag into questions in Stack Overflow, and consequently I'm caught think about if I'm doing it wrong or not. I think if it's incomplete I can ...
RPichioli's user avatar
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Flagging questions asking for code [duplicate]

I'd like to suggest another flag for questions which asks for code implementation. The reason for this, there have been lots of question like this lately (at least on the tags I usually browse). ...
Aurasphere's user avatar
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When someone asks for a recommendation instead of a question, where should I tell them to post their question? Yahoo answers?

Many times I have seen questions that are more like "Which language should I use for ..." and "Can anyone recommend..." than "I am having a problem this this chunk of code in my file and I ...
MadsterMaddness's user avatar