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Should Mortarboard, Epic, and Legendary badges be available on Meta sites?

For the sake of simplicity, I will only refer to Mortarboard in this post, but every time I state it, it is also referring to Epic and Legendary The other day I was awarded the Mortarboard badge here ...
CATboardBETA's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Why did I get Mortarboard for Meta votes? [duplicate]

A question of mine, being published on Meta, had got many upvotes. More that 40/day. And at the end of that day I had got a Mortarboard badge. Of course, I would be proud to get that very difficult ...
Gangnus's user avatar
  • 24.4k
9 votes
2 answers

How can "Legendary" badge be awarded on Meta Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I was looking at the badges available on meta, and noticed the "Legendary" badge has been awarded 4 times (150 x 200 reputation in a day): But how is this possible? The reputation on Meta Stack ...
Alexander Derck's user avatar