Linked Questions

-74 votes
6 answers

What can we do to resolve debates about gender?

Background. I'm a woman, I don't hide that fact and I also have opinions, just as you do. There's been a total of 3 female candidates in Stack Overflow elections; I'm the third, I ran last year. This ...
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72 votes
1 answer

Do we need to instill some common sense into minds of users who keep asking bad questions?

A lot of work is going into making new users ask better questions, and I can only applaud the effort. I'm still wondering though, what about "grandfathered" users who consistently show that they don't ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
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-24 votes
1 answer

What takes precedence: rules or purpose? [duplicate]

Stackoverflow, as a social media approach to information gathering, has classic struggles with signal to noise issues. In such systems "checks and balances" tend to work best. S.O. moderators have a ...
duanev's user avatar
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