Even assuming that Google's CEO has an accurate picture of who and how writes their gargantuan code base, what they do is not our concern.
Using AI to assist with software development is not the same as presenting solutions to other people's questions as if you were a subject-matter expert.
The main issues with AI posts (answers in particular) which prompted the ban all remain:
- No matter how good a GenAI model is, they can still hallucinate. There's even research that suggests AI models may never not hallucinate. The burden of vetting such content that looks good on the surface but may be fundamentally flawed then falls on the shoulders of an already strained community.
- GenAI content can be produced at a much faster rate than what the community is able to curate/moderate
- Even for vetted content, moderators (but anyone except the poster really) are unable to verify claims that the content was actually vetted beforehand. It'd come down to hunches and subjective bias. That kind of moderation is prone to be unfair and ineffective.
- plagiarism: after having handled thousands of AI flags on this site, I can tell you that almost nobody gives proper credit to the AI. Folks tend to present the content as their own, thus misrepresenting someone else's work.
- The only value proposition that Stack Overflow still has over an LLM is that there's the expectation that a human being has authored the text as written.
- Allowing for an exception this big to the AI ban would open the floodgates.
There is a case to be made about using AI to improve a post's grammar, formatting, etc. but that suffers from the same issues as point #3.
I really don't see how we could realistically allow AI content in almost any form while staying true to Stack Overflow's values and a Community made of humans at its core.