
Update October 28th, 2024

Today and for the rest of this week, we will begin releasing the new homepage experience to registered users. By the end of this week, everyone should be able to see it as it has been proposed.

We appreciate all the feedback we have heard up to this point and are considering it for further additions to the homepage.

If you have feedback after using it, see bugs, or notice anything wonky, please leave it on this post.

A few weeks ago, we shared a rough outline of how the default homepage experience could look for logged-in users. We appreciate all the feedback we received and have come back to share a more detailed vision of what our first pass at updating the homepage will look like. There are still a few things we are sorting out at this point, but consider this about 98% of the way finalized.

For our first pass at a homepage, we wanted to be sure we came up with a strong default experience that would support all users. However, some of the feedback we received has been put into our v2 bucket for consideration and won’t be addressed on this first pass. After we have completed this default user experience, we will go back to the drawing board to explore what features we can add to better support our curators and power users for a v2 iteration.

Homepage Widgets

Image showing all three of the widgets on the homepage: reputation, badge progress and watched tags

Version one of the homepage update will have three widgets at the top that will vary a bit depending on your activity on the site. The content in those widgets includes:

Badge Widget

Screenshot of the badge widget with the get started here as a primary button

The middle widget will track badge progress. Users who have not completed the tour will be prompted to do so here. To add some extra emphasis on driving users to the tour, we have made the “Get started here” button primary and the “Ask Question” button secondary to drive newer users to it. Please note that we're exploring updating the tour page itself as a part of these efforts and will follow up with more communication around it.

Badge widget for established users. It shows the typical badge progress bar with the example of the electorate badge

For more experienced users, the badge progress widget will show the progress with a brief explanation of the required actions. The gear icon in the top right will allow a user to change the badge they’d like tracked in the widget.

Reputation Widget

Reputation badge widget shows a line graph of potential rep increase, shows a rep of 1 and links to the asking, answering and editing help center articles

New users will see the widget displayed at one reputation point with links to asking, answering, and editing.

Rep badge for establishes users. Shows a rep of 1.4k, a line graph from July 15th to August 15th and indicates the users is in the top 5% of user that week

Users with more than one rep will see their current rep score, a generalized graph of rep activity, their rep score change over the last 30 days, and possibly where they fall percentage-wise among other users. We are undecided on the percentage piece as nobody is going to care to know if you are # 18,567,283, but it is fun to know if you are in the top 2% or something similar. So this may be something that we decide to leave out and roll out conditionally for people near the top.

Watched Tags Widget

Widget showing the users watched tags which are: Javascript, ractjs, dataset, CSS, jquery

The final widget we are launching will allow users to see what tags they are watching. This widget is the same regardless of the user's experience with the network. The gear icon in the widget will allow users to add more watched tags or ignore tags.

Interesting Posts for You

Complete screenshot of the entire homepage and how everything comes together with a question feed titled "Interesting posts for you"

This will be a feed of questions that are curated for you. We will start with the existing logic that is on the homepage today. For a v2 we are exploring if we can do something a bit more personalized based on your viewing history and watched tags. You will have the option to customize this to some extent by adjusting your watched/ignored tags.

Right Sidebar Changes

Shows the new sidebar with the following components in order: The overflow blog, featured on meta, hot meta posts,  two ad units and newly added component recently viewed posts

As part of this project, we are updating the right sidebar to simplify and modernize it. As you can see in the image above, it looks a bit different. The order of the sidebar components is not entirely settled, so you may see some A/B testing of it in various orders. We are also exploring releasing these changes network-wide:

  • No more yellow in the sidebar, moving to a more modern and simple look, so we made the component boxes consistent with neutral colors throughout.
  • Hot Meta posts will no longer include a score next to them.
  • We will add a new recently viewed posts component beneath the ad spots, which, as you might guess, shows recent posts as well as the total number of votes answers and includes an option to follow the post.
  • As you may notice, we are removing the collectives component, hot network questions, and the RSS feed button from the bottom of the right sidebar. This is for the homepage only.

Next steps

We are currently finalizing the pieces of the design. Any major differences from what we outlined here will be updated in this post. After that, we will begin development work on V1 of the homepage for logged-in users and keep this post updated when we begin rolling this out.

If you have any thoughts, feedback, or questions, please let us know, we will be keeping tabs on this post for October 16th, 2024.

  • 10
    for the top% bit, is that different from the currently limited to 400 users reputation league top n%? if it's not... it probably won't matter for most users on SO because most users aren't in that top 400.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Oct 2 at 19:59
  • 31
    This is your irregularly scheduled reminder to please post anything that you want staff to respond to as an answer. Back-and-forth discussions in comments are very hard to follow due to the lack of threading. Don't worry too much about whether it's a proper answer for feedback posts like this. I really don't want to have to manually extract each discussion into answers again; that was quite tedious.
    – Ryan M Mod
    Commented Oct 2 at 23:02
  • 22
    As someone who does a lot of curation, I don't really see anything I'm interested in. I'm probably not the target audience for these changes, and I already use Stylus and userscripts to customize the site for myself, so I guess I'm resigned to twiddling those tools to ward off these "improvements". Commented Oct 3 at 12:29
  • 14
    Do y'all even read the feedback you're getting on those proposals? Not implementing it is fine, but at least acknowledge it! I brought up the importance on having more vertical space for questions in the previous thread. Now the top answer here brings it up again. Commented Oct 14 at 5:07
  • 30
    I can't believe y'all seriously mocked up a design that removes HNQ but not the blog. All so you could have, what, two ads right next to each other? Why is Recently Viewed Posts a table with descriptions and titles, and not just a link to a separate page?
    – TylerH
    Commented Oct 17 at 15:36
  • 20
    I don't understand why you are building this at all, what is there here that is actually useful to any logged in user?
    – DavidG
    Commented Oct 23 at 14:00
  • 29
    Seriously, though, now that it's here, how do I turn it off? I don't want the noise at the top. I want to see a non-personalized feed. (Feel free to highlight ones with tags on my watchlist, but I want to see all the latest stuff.) Please, please, please. Even if this new view is the default, please give us an option to turn it off. Think of it as the ultimate form of personalization: letting the user decide. Commented Oct 29 at 6:13
  • 38
    Holy crap! Did you really stop highlighting questions with watchlist tags on the feed? Why would you do that?! And why did you remove access to the watchlist from the home page? Now I have to go to my user page, edit my profile in order to deal with my watchlist? Why would anyone bother if they watchlist matches aren't highlighted?! Commented Oct 29 at 6:19
  • 34
    Great, so now I have to go to stackoverflow.com/questions in order to get away from this new irrelevant crap and reach my filter so I can see what I want to see. Nice job. Not.
    – matt
    Commented Oct 30 at 14:45
  • 16
    All the bugs introduced are fixed by updating your bookmarks to stackoverflow.com/questions
    – Alejandro
    Commented Oct 30 at 15:10
  • 14
    How do I turn it OFF, it's ghastly. The white outlines in dark mode - who makes this stuff up? The loss of real-estate at the top, not good. Remember - "If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT", and ... "a new FEATURE is a BUG if it cannot be TURNED OFF". My .02. Commented Oct 30 at 18:06
  • 10
    @SpencerG how can you possibly justify pushing this through with such an overwhelmingly negative response here on Meta? I simply do not understand the company's reasoning behind these pig-headed moves. Is it just sunk-cost fallacy? What?
    – Phil
    Commented Oct 31 at 2:00
  • 13
    Can you please return the yellow highlight on questions with watched tags? It's really hard to spot them otherwise. Commented Oct 31 at 4:24
  • 8
    Now it's live. Farewell good old HNQ. And what a crazy idea to tell me my own name in big letters on top. Thank God, I can block this. Commented Nov 1 at 8:52
  • 10
    This redesign looks awful on desktop, removes features that I use regularly, adds visuals I don't want on my home page, and makes the interface look both sparse and crowded, somehow. Please revert to the previous version
    – vbnet3d
    Commented Nov 1 at 15:45

59 Answers 59


The update makes it harder for me to use the site.

  • With my setup, which is 1920x1080 and 150% scaling (Windows), the new welcome & stuff looks like it occupies half the screen vertically.

  • Together with the menu and "Interesting posts..." title, this leaves space for 2 questions -- for reference, around 5.5 questions fit into view when I scroll down. I don't like that.

  • The "interesting" posts don't seem to respect my viewed tags. 99%+ of them are not interesting to me.

  • The "hot network questions" are gone. I was using these.

  • The gigantic added "welcome back" is not informative. I have only one account on the site, and I know I'm logged in. Well, I feel personally offended with this one. I see no reason at all to shout this back at me in a 1000px font, wasting space on a site dedicated to efficiently solving problems. Unprofessional at least, insulting if you are so inclined.

  • The reputation and the badge progress, to me, are features that change over months, not minutes. I don't see a reason to look at them on every visit.

  • Watched tags are nice to have, if they worked. Sadly, looks like they don't. Will they work again at some point? If not, I don't see the point... is it a tombstone advertising a dead feature? Anyway, at least on desktop, there was enough space for them on the right.

People tell I have to navigate to /questions now to enable some of the old features. I can do that, but I don't see why make the site harder to use, and in an annoying way.

  • 2
    Appreciate the feedback. I will share it with the team.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 31 at 17:39
  • I also don't understand how /questions is supposed to be a replacement for the previous homepage, as it does not have "Top questions" but only "All questions", or explicitly tag filtered questions, which are both different.
    – mkrieger1
    Commented Oct 31 at 19:01

Bug report: The loading skeleton for the top sections seem to be light even in dark theme.

Dark theme with light loading sections

  • Thanks will flag with the team.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 30 at 21:23

For the watched tags component, I think that it might be more obvious for new users to turn the text "Customize your content by watching tags" into a link that lets you watch tags instead of having a grey gear that doesn't stand out that much.


It's ironic reading comments below the question that go:

Back-and-forth discussions in comments are very hard to follow due to the lack of threading.

Yeah exactly! Implementing threaded comments is the one thing out of all proposed changes that will actually improve the site in the real world. I think Stack Exchange might be the last site on the Internet which doesn't have this. And so for example our only forum for discussions is one which wasn't designed for discussions...

If I had a dollar for every time SO is changing the appearance of some irrelevant side bar... However, if the sidebar change means I can ad block the "blog" without blocking meta announcements, I'm all for it.

  • "Implementing threaded comments is the one thing out of all proposed changes that will actually improve the site in the real world. I think Stack Exchange might be the last site on the Internet which doesn't have this." it's actually worse because threaded comments exist. This is by using a userscript from 2011. The script was made by an employee at the time. Who more recently re-joined SE. The userscript is not perfect but SE had 13 years and the know-how of the author to do anything about it.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Nov 1 at 12:07

Showing me my recently viewed posts is not what I need. Could you replace that with posts where I was active (answered, edited, left a comment), if I've had any activities in some period of time? Preferably with a way to configure that period of time and which actions should be considered. Part of my workflow is to go to the "all actions" page in my profile (btw. that page is delivered very slowly) and check for reactions to my actions.

  • Just curious: for "check for reactions to my actions", wouldn't it be more efficient to "Follow" the posts where you did actions, so you get notified about reactions? That's what I do. What's the advantage of your way?
    – no comment
    Commented Nov 3 at 20:56
  • @nocomment Following posts creates more noise and is perpetual.
    – Roland
    Commented Nov 4 at 6:37
  • Meh. I'm following thousands of posts and noise is rarely an issue. Where it does become an issue, I unfollow. (But ok, our contexts and thus amount of noise, and what we consider noise, likely differ.)
    – no comment
    Commented Nov 4 at 14:01

Why is the RSS feed link being removed?

Will the RSS feeds for sites continue to exist in general?

If they RSS same feeds from the homepage are to continue to exist, then will they remain serving the same content, or do you intend to change it, e.g., to that curated feed?

  • Very little use by our measurements so we don't want it to distract from actions most users will take. Yeah, we need to find a new place for it, that is still being decided; feel free to make suggestions.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 10 at 20:51
  • 4
    I'm... confused at the idea that a single text link and RSS icon could in any way distract from the rest of the page.
    – ash
    Commented Oct 14 at 10:58
  • 2
    @SpencerG Well, part of the reason it's not used is because it's here. And secondly, you don't to click it more than once or twice to import it in your RSS client. Also, sure - perhaps the RSS feed on the main page of SO is not really useful to much. I subscribe to RSS feeds for other websites because they may get, say, 10 posts a day. Rather than 10 posts a minute like on SO. And the 10 posts from SO are likely not going to even all be of interest to me. However, a good place for the feed is going to be consistent. Not different per site/page.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Oct 15 at 10:51
  • 2
    Like, the only suggestion I can give for an unobtrusive link is a the bottom of the page. Where the current link may as well be - it's at the bottom of the right pane. But it's also there on other pages. Breaking consistency seems like a worse idea. It detracts from the discoverability.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Oct 15 at 10:53

we wanted to be sure we came up with a strong default experience that would support all users.

You can't.

You can't support new askers, experienced askers and answerers on the same home page. It will be a home page that is only slightly useful to any user.

  • Defaults are hard! Reminder that this is just an MVP. We hope to be able to put more time into customizing this page for everyone's unique needs in the future.
    – Piper StaffMod
    Commented Oct 31 at 14:21
  • I don't want this page. Please focus on one group of users on the homepage and create alternative pages for other groups to bookmark.
    – Willeke
    Commented Oct 31 at 14:56
  • @Willeke We tried to clarify in this post and the previous one that we would focus on the default experience first. And we tried to acknowledge that wouldn't be great for everyone. I can understand that you don't like it and respect that position. I would argue that this does serve new users to better familiarize themselves with some basic aspects of the network and encourage them to explore the site more.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 31 at 15:00
  • 4
    @SpencerG so if it's only useful for new users, why are you forcing the (undismissable) NUX on everyone?
    – Kevin
    Commented Oct 31 at 18:51

The new Watched Tag widget does not allow you to enter wildcards anymore with the asterisk *

For example, I tried to add the wildcard android* in the widget and all that was added was android, which is the first item on the auto-complete list:

screenshot of new watched tag widget showing attempt to add wildcard tag

Note, the webpack* tag was added normally from the Watched Tag widget on the side panel.

Similarly, if you try to add google*, it will add google-chrome instead, which is the first item on the auto-complete list.

And this is currently how the wildcards are expanded when used in a search.

For example, click on Questions -> More -> Unanswered (my tags):

screenshot showing wildcards expanded

In addition, it is possible to add the same tag multiple times and they will be displayed in the new widgets (however, on refreshing the page, the multiple tags disappear):

screenshot of watched tag widget showing multiple copies of the same tag

It appears that the logic here is different to the logic used in other places for adding tags. I wonder if this post is related in some way.

  • This might be by design, or the devs were unaware of this tag search logic. I certainly was not. I will bring it up.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 31 at 14:42
  • @SpencerG I added a screenshot showing how the expanded wildcards are used in search. Tag expansion with wildcards like this is certainly useful, so I hope that this is not by design.
    – PeterJames
    Commented Oct 31 at 15:04
  • So, just to be clear, I understand. You want to be able to add Android* and then expect it to have you watch all of those on your watched list.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 31 at 15:08
  • 1
    @SpencerG I believe that this is what actually happens at the moment. It is useful also for ignoring tags For example, wildcard expansion with status*
    – PeterJames
    Commented Oct 31 at 15:11
  • 1
    @SpencerG also typing in that input for the tag search is very laggy, it slows down the entire page. Commented Oct 31 at 15:14
  • @SpencerG This new question is probably related: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/432112/18595321 It reports problems with creating the C++ tag, so the problem seems to be connected with filtering of some special characters, namely + and *
    – PeterJames
    Commented Nov 1 at 12:27
  • @PeterJames, thank you. I brought it to their attention.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Nov 1 at 16:42

Those widgets and welcome are wasting too much space.

I use these uBlock Origin rules to remove them:

! remove widgets
! remove welcome
! add "Ask question" button to the right
stackoverflow.com###content>div:first-child:style(flex-direction: row-reverse !important; justify-content: space-between !important;)


  • 1
    Thanks for the feedback! We hope to be able to put more time into customizing this page for everyone's unique needs in the future.
    – Piper StaffMod
    Commented Oct 31 at 14:19

Thanks, I hate it

Please revert ASAP, not sure why anyone would think this is an improvement whatsoever.

But as the past few years showed that SE is more likely to double down on bad ideas instead of listening to the wishes of meta, here's a filter to remove the "welcome" banner and the three useless rep/badges/tags widgets with ublock origin (paste this into "my filters" on the ublock origin dashboard; no guarantee it doesn't break with the next update):

! 4 Nov 2024 https://stackoverflow.com

This version keeps the "Ask question" button around; if you don't care for that simply remove the :not part of the first filter to remove the whole outer div and save a bit more space.


I answer questions occasionally on StackOverflow, but am not, like, totally obsessed with doing so. It's more of an opportunity thing than something I go looking to do. So, making recently active questions less visible will significantly decrease the probability that I answer any questions.

I find it counterintuitive that hiding new questions will increase engagement on average... but I guess y'all have already A/B tested to see that questions get more attention this way? What's the science here?


Where are my ignored tags?

OK so my watched tags are now hidden up at the top, but where did my ignored tags go?

Unlike HNQ which has also disappeared, I'm not entirely sure how to find these via some other part of this UI maze....

(Also HNQ seems to have disappeared, which is how I actually end up on the rest of the SE sites -- while my employer will thank you for removing this "distraction", I find it irritating that I now need to do 3 clicks to find the part of the network that I find most useful in terms of discoverability.)

Thanks for not removing the "interesting" questions filter though. Pity it still shows staging ground.

  • 1
    Click the gear by "watched tags" then click the "ignored tags" tab
    – wjandrea
    Commented Oct 30 at 15:24
  • 4
    @wjandrea That somehow manages to be both a reasonable place for them, and impossible to find.
    – DBS
    Commented Oct 30 at 16:48
  • 4
    I agree with @DBS here. The gear icon makes me think "click to modify the settings for watched tags" not "click to see a completely unrelated set of tags". Commented Oct 30 at 19:16
  • You can remove Staging Ground questions from your feed by going to profile settings>preferences
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 31 at 16:11
  • 1
    HNQ was removed due to not a lot of activity, it is still available on /questions though. But we hear the feedback on people wanting it on their homepage so we will discuss it.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 31 at 16:11
  • 1
    I've rarely used /questions, tbh, and don't really see the point of that page. I actually actively used SO for 4+ years before realizing that page existed. With the redesign, I'm manually navigating to the HNQ by going top bar hamburger (right most icon, idk what its real name is) > More Stack Exchange Communities > Click 'StackExchange' logo at top. Previously I'd just go to the SO homepage, scroll down a bit, and see what was trending across the network. Commented Oct 31 at 21:25

While RSS isn't part of my SE workflow any more, it used to be an essential part of what I did as a new user. I used to use the equivalent of the recent questions feed as a quick way to skim through recent questions, even ones no longer on the front page as a new user .There's also some room for some potentially virtuous automation - some smaller sites add a feed to chat for users to have another way to keep track of main site questions

I have 2 questions here

  • would the recent questions feed be discoverable somewhere else?
  • Will/is the feed going to continue being available ?

We are undecided on the percentage piece as nobody is going to care to know if you are # 18,567,283, but it is fun to know if you are in the top 2% or something similar.

Did you not stop calculating this rank information for all but 400 users?

I never paid attention to the information, however, since that was removed, it does indeed turn out that many users found it fun to know if they are in the top 2% or something similar. We have had a bunch of questions for where that information is gone.

  • We did, this would be separate from that. Its still up for debate so don't quite know what form it will take, but I think we are leaning towards showing this if you are in the top 500 users that month or something like that.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 10 at 20:35
  • For last June, 87897 users posted something on SO. Ignoring the other ways you can get rep, only showing it to the top 500 is only going to be relevant to less than 0.1% of the active user base, who probably know about the rep leagues. Its probably not worth implementing if you aren't able to roll it out to at least the top 10,000. Commented Oct 11 at 13:48
  • (By first approximation, the top 5% is roughly 5000 users) Commented Oct 11 at 13:49

At least to me the lack of background colors in the side bar makes it feel more cluttered and more difficult to quickly parse.

  • Interesting. So, would you like some more color variation or defined borders to make it easier to scan?
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 31 at 15:11
  • @SpencerG Sorry for the late response. I think the different background for headers and content made it easier for me to orient myself. It also doesn't help that "Featured on Meta" and "Hot Meta Posts" are together in one box now.
    – luator
    Commented Nov 6 at 8:31

Let's put it this way:

Hide distracting items



Interesting Posts for You


This will be a feed of questions that are curated for you. We will start with the existing logic that is on the homepage today.

The current homepage has another four tabs:

  • Bountied (also available on the /questions page)
  • Hot (not available anywhere else?)
  • Week (not available anywhere else?)
  • Month (not available anywhere else?)

Will the content from those be available elsewhere? I personally do not use these (along side with the rest of the homepage) but I assume some users do.

  • 1
    Not on the homepage, but it will still exist on /questions
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 10 at 20:33
  • 4
    @SpencerG: I don't understand your response. What is the homepage if not the Top Questions feed? Commented Oct 11 at 22:03
  • @SpencerG Just to confirm: Hot/Week/Month tabs are being moved to the /questions page?
    – VLAZ
    Commented Oct 15 at 11:00
  • If the questions page is something different than the home page, how does one get to it? Is doesn't seem discoverable. Commented Oct 30 at 14:44
  • @AdrianMcCarthy i.sstatic.net/GPl1AoUQ.png
    – VLAZ
    Commented Oct 30 at 14:49
  • @VLAZ: So, no, not discoverable. I didn't even realize there was a menu over there. Commented Oct 30 at 15:01
  • @VLAZ I somehow wasn't aware of that link or page. Funny, isn't this what the "home page" used to look like? I mean, my profile, badges, rep and whatever is all accessible though the neat little icons on top... I don't now what the homepage is for then, don't need it at all. Staff: You can do with it what you like, I will simply not use it., Commented Nov 1 at 11:56

For what it's worth, the only questions I am "interested in" in the meaning you are intending are the ones I search for or the ones I have watched a tag for. Either the questions I land on via google, which you can tell from cookies, or the ones I open via a results page after typing something into your search bar.

Keep the "interesting posts for you" list to questions that match those criteria and it might work OK. Also, why do you call them "posts" if they are all questions? If you're only going to show questions on this list, call it a list of questions. If you want to keep calling it a list of "posts", it should show answers, too. Which will be significantly more difficult to code for.


I find that the complete lack of color makes the homepage look all samey, bland, boring and sterile. With the lack of highlighting and background colors, there are no eye-catchers anymore to guide you to important content, and clearly distinguish different areas of content from one another. It's all white with a thin border from top to bottom.


So I haven't visited stack overflow often as of late (for good reason...) and without sounding like a complete prick, but which intern has touched the design again. I am lost as a (not anymore) regular visitor.

The home page looks ai generated: "Create a home page that welcomes the user, shows their stats and the questions that they might be interested in".

Where are the questions, the quick filters, custom filters, tags, hot network questions (I loved these the most).

I can't imagine a world where someone wants to be greeted every time they visit the page (which I can imagine is going to be less and less the more of these changes happen). Why is my reputation and badge process all of a sudden more important then the fact that we are here to spread and consume information. I am really at a loss for words at how incompetent these changes have been.

I've been reading through this post for a bit now to figure out what people their opinions are, and I am wondering if they are even being considered.

Really poor decisions.

If the problem was the fact that people were posting poor answers to questions, you guys managed to succeed. Cause it's an awful experience even finding a question to answer...


I agree with some of the stuff that has already been brought up. Having stuff up at the top clutters things up and is just more stuff to scroll past. You've got the horizontal real estate (which currently still has lots of room to put more stuff in), why not use it for that stuff?

As far is the Watched Tags widget goes, I think ignored tags are just as important, so there should be one for that, too.

I also agree that rep and badges are best left on the profile page. If I really want to look at that, I can always go there.

  • 2
    This seems like essentially a "+1 I agree with X, Y, and Z" answer; if so, you should vote for the posts that you agree with, rather than posting a separate answer.
    – Ryan M Mod
    Commented Oct 3 at 22:24
  • 1
    @RyanM I've done that. I posted this answer to make my opinions more apparent than mere votes would. And, note that I have also included a suggestion in the first paragraph that I didn't see in any of the other answers (i.e., make more use of the currently empty horizontal real estate).
    – RobH
    Commented Oct 4 at 16:54

Watched Tags Widget

Widget showing the users watched tags which are: Javascript, ractjs, dataset, CSS, jquery

The final widget we are launching will allow users to see what tags they are watching. This widget is the same regardless of the user's experience with the network. The gear icon in the widget will allow users to add more watched tags or ignore tags.

How will adding/removing either watched or ignored tag look?

How will the widget look if you have a lot of tags displayed in it, not just the one row that looks well on mockups?

Would you be able to control whether the ignored tags appear greyed out or hidden1?

1I am aware that on the homepage questions with ignored tags are always hidden. I assume that will remain the same. However, the setting is still relevant for other sections on the site.

  • I didn't share the screenshot of the workflow for adding/removing tags cause we have not finalized the design there, but the current iteration is mostly similar to the current Watched/Ignored tags component. I will have to circle back on the logic for how many tags will display at the most.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 10 at 20:39
  • Right now we are thinking 1-2 lines showing on the component potentially. Past that we need to think more on where/how to show a complete list.
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 10 at 20:46
  • @SpencerG for reference, this is what my ignored tags look when expanded. That's 14 rows. For, honestly, not that many tags. Two rows have 1 tag each, for example. If this shows on the top of the page, it'd be annoying if it pushes content down. At least in the current way it's displayed, which cannot be collapsed back to the initial display.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Oct 15 at 10:59

I would like to see the Interesting tab by default but I don't need any of the other widgets. On days when I feel like points are fun to grab, I'll click through to my profile - otherwise I want to get straight to the questions.

Also, as I mentioned in a comment above, maybe lower the bar for folks to get the "reduce ads" privilege so that newbies who haven't got ad blockers set up don't need to waste time scrolling past.

On the flip side, I'm curious: what would S/O lose if nobody clicked on any ad, ever? How much of the current revenue is sponsorship?


Ads and widgets on home screen

Chiming in t(w)o ad(d): I thought I had the reduce ads privilege already, why do I have the privilege of seeing two new ads on the homepage and even on the /questions page as well?

more ads than i ever wanted

And how might I enable/disable the widgets on my screen, to see only the watched tags, perhaps?

top bar of page sans widgets for tags


Widgets on mobile are no longer centered:

enter image description here

For a before picture, please see my other answer,

  • 3
    It's hilarious that you now only see two questions on the home page before scrolling.
    – kaya3
    Commented Nov 1 at 15:01

Is this permanent now?

Given the feedback in the answers, and no reponse from the staff in a month, wording in the question, I'm not sure what to think. Is this an experiment, or a permanent change now?


We will add a new recently viewed posts component beneath the ad spots, which, as you might guess, shows recent posts as well as the total number of votes answers and includes an option to follow the post.

This seems very far down on the page. Moving it to the left menu can mean way more people see and interact with it.


(Possible) bug report: the vertical alignment or spacing of the text for the buttons on the /questions/tagged page is off, even taking into account ascenders and descenders:

Screen capture of buttons from /questions/tagged page

  • 2
    I am not sure I follow, they look normal to me?
    – SpencerG StaffMod
    Commented Oct 31 at 15:16
  • 1
    @SpencerG There's more space below the text than above it. I see it, but it's not an extreme difference
    – Tieson T.
    Commented Oct 31 at 22:41

Displaying the username large enough for it to be read by nearby people or show up in incidental video recordings without one expressly providing it is outright dangerous for some, unbelievably thoughtless to my privacy, and a tremendous turn-off to using the new front page regardless of what else it has

  • 2
    Your avatar and reputation have always been shown in the header, which are enough to identify you. It's fairly easy to scroll down the list of all users and find those around 18.5k. For reference, it took me about 45 seconds to find you by your reputation and avatar, doing a binary search through the page number.
    – kaya3
    Commented Nov 1 at 15:03
  • 2
    To be clear, it's completely normal for sites to identify who is logged in, so that you can see if it is not your own account and log out, or see which of your multiple accounts you are currently using. If you have such privacy requirements that somebody knowing your Stack Overflow username is a risk, then you need to take precautions to ensure that you don't accidentally show or record your screen while visiting Stack Overflow, the same as you would any other site.
    – kaya3
    Commented Nov 1 at 15:07
  • I'm not concerned with advanced users (or really any users of StackOverlfow) who might have many ways to identify me or others, and the header itself is easily removed - rather I'm concerned with bad actors who are not a member of the site and not technical people who aim to harm users due to their own evilness - additionally, my personal reaction to seeing the banner was disgust
    – ti7
    Commented Nov 1 at 19:24
  • 4
    I'm not keen on the banner either, but in terms of privacy: If someone can see your screen then that's already been breached, the banner doesn't change anything.
    – DBS
    Commented Nov 1 at 20:57

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