There has been previous discussion of the cytoscape tag which establishes why there might be on-topic questions about this platform. For reference, the tag description:
Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing complex networks and integrating these with any type of attribute data. Various apps are available for different problem domains, including bioinformatics, social network analysis, and semantic web.
The issue is that a large fraction of questions here seem to be off-topic judged on their individual merit. They come across as support requests - and it's notable in the previous discussion that they seem to be outsourcing support to here (as well as this place which seems to be running custom software). At any rate it's hard to see what these questions (at least, the ones not also tagged as cytoscape-js) generally have to do with programming: which is to say, it's not clear how the OP's use of the platform is intended to relate to a programming task, in many individual cases.
Looking through a sampling of recent questions I see many that were closed by the community as not about programming; at least one that seems to be about using someone else's "plugin" on the platform with no indication that such use involves writing any code ("when i try to load my custom data [following a tutorial by the plugin authors] my custom data doesnt show in the panel" - the question contains no code, only poorly formatted input); a question that's just "how do I do a visualization that looks like this?"; a question about why graph edges appear undirected when imported from a certain source; a question that asks how to run a particular .jar file in a certain environment (unclear how this file relates to the platform); etc.
Basically none of these questions, in other words, show any code in any programming language.
It seems like the platform may not have properly understood policy for doing product support on Stack Overflow. My perception here is not helped by certain stats about the tag. Of the 550 or so questions thus tagged (fewer than are tagged cytoscape-js, incidentally), over 30% have been answered by one specific user - who seems to have had this account (for 9 years now) specifically and solely to answer questions thus tagged. The same user is also active in comments on other questions in the tag, and generally seems to have gone years without any real understanding of how the site generally works - in particular, these answers are habitually "signed" and have a conversational tone.
I feel like questions of this sort should be asked on bioinformatics.SE instead (and that the Cytoscape organization should recommend using that instead).