While working on some code using some new APIs in a beta release of Xcode 15 and iOS 17, I came across a bug and an ugly workaround. So I posted a question and a self-answer based on the issue and my workaround. The question has one upvote and the answer has none. The answer has a couple of comments.
The issue I ran into has now been resolved with the release candidate version of Xcode and iOS. So my question/answer really has no more value since no one should still be using the older beta software. Apple doesn't allow developers to use beta tools to submit apps to the App Store. Apple won't allow new installations of iOS beta on devices once the beta process is over. Sure, some rare users may keep a beta version around but it's pointless.
Is there any reason why I should not delete my question and self-answer given its level of usefulness at this point?
I fully agree, in general, that questions about issues related to using beta software have value. But my one question/answer in this case has a very limited shelf life due to the specific nature of the tools involved.