Stack Overflow does not have "sections".
The site has a search feature. It is well documented, and offers many site-specific tools; but it still works very poorly a lot of the time (it can fail to pick up important questions that say recurse
instead of recursion
or vice versa, for example, even though it apparently does the sort of things internally that are supposed to avoid that problem).
External search engines are often a better choice. If you are specifically looking for a Stack Overflow result (for example, when trying to close a question as a duplicate), you may find it useful to add something like
to the query.
There are chat rooms that you may find useful - for example, look for one for the programming language you are using. Be sure to read room policies and rules before talking; but if you know you've seen a Q&A before, can describe what it was about, and have a good explanation for why search isn't helpful, people will usually be happy to help. Hopefully, someone will know exactly what you are referring to, due to commonly using that question to close duplicates. (I personally maintain a long list of "saved" Python questions, since in:saves
is a lifesaver for searching for duplicates.)
As a last resort, SEDE can help find some things. I once used it to find a question where the only thing I could confidently remember that would uniquely identify the question was some verbatim text in a comment I had left (and for various reasons, the obvious keyword search terms for the question were all giving me poor results).