The postal-code tag has 394 questions. Most of the questions are in relation to postal/zip/postcodes that are used in the physical addressing of post or mail.
The questions fall under some general headings:
Regex type questions. Asking to match/find certain characters within a string
- Having difficulty in pattern matching Postal Codes for an oracle regexp_like command
- Regex to identify postcode that includes comma
- Extract postal codes from global addresses
- How to make sure a string postal code follows the 6 character letter digit, letter digit, letter digit, pattern
- Get list of address dont have UK address mysql
- Validating the postcode so it can only start with LS
Non programming questions. Some asking for postcode files.
Questions in bucket one generally have a specific software or tool mentioned and sometimes also have regex.
Questions in bucket 2 might not be on-topic for Stack Overflow, but could be on-topic for
The street-address tag with 556 questions also exists as a tag covering the physical addressing of post or mail. While zipcode with 432 questions also exists and as a minimum should be a synonym of postal-code, if not burninated in its own right.
The postal-code, street-address and zipcode, don't add any specific nuance to the questions being asked.
I believe the tag postal-code should be burninated.
It fails some of the preliminary checks before burnination:
Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous?
Yes, it is describing postal codes that are used for the addressing of postal mail. The tag isn't related to programming, but some of the actions users are wanting to undertake such as regex of a postcode are related to programming.
Is the concept described even on-topic for the site?
No. It doesn't have any relation to programming at all! This is about geography!
Does the tag add any meaningful information to the post?
No. This tag isn't even about a programming concept! The posts normally include tags for the problems users are facing e.g. regex
Does it mean the same thing in all common contexts?
No In the case of the questions, it could mean many different things, postcode, zip code, postal code or any of the other country specific address identifiers that exist
It is also problematic because:
The tag is country specific (With the solid compound being popular in many English-speaking countries and also being the standard term in the Netherlands), with other tags such as postal-code, street-address and zipcode which also exist and cover similar concepts of regex and other programming concepts.