Currently the argo tag means
Apply to questions regarding thoughtbot's Swift JSON parser, Argo. For questions about the Kubernetes workflow tool, use argoproj.
But the thing is, since Swift got its own native JSON parser, all others fell into obscurity.
The last time this tag was used for Argo the JSON parser it was 2019. Even the library had no updates since May 22, 2020
On the other hand "Kubernetes workflow tool" (that currently should go under argoproj) is quite popular and active.
There're new kubernetes related questions with mismatched tag argo every month. The last on was yesterday (before making this retag-request I tried to fix argo to argoproj in all kubernetes questions).
- Rename argo to something different like argo-swift, argo-thoughtbot, argo-json-parser, etc.
- Rename argoproj to just argo, to be used with Kubernetes workflow.
for main and Meta tags respectively.