I was reviewing Low quality answers and I had chosen option "Looks OK". Here is the review in question: https://stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/31877496
This was an audit for my review and it failed.
In the Answer(s) and Question tabs section, I only had the Question tab and Answer tab with only one answer (the one in question).
This answer was well written as you can see in the link I provided.
If I am looking only at the review and don't go to the question page and investigate if this answer is deleted or downvoted or different from what I can see in the review, I can assess only based on this information.
In this case, the answer should be voted as "Looks OK" because the content was referring to the question and it had a code example and links for referenced documentation.
I can't see why was it deleted in the first place, but it was deleted.
I got two questions:
Could this be an example where the chosen audit answer was wrongly chosen by the system since it did not show enough context why should I vote to delete it?
Should I always go into the question link from the review page to prevent me from making the same mistake?