I've stumbled upon this very old question: Is global constants an anti-pattern?
It seems very clear to me that this is opinion-based. It's not focused on a particular problem, and answers may be disputable (accepted answer just very bad). It could probably belong to Code Review. I didn't vote to close it because it's very old and has upvotes, but maybe it should be closed.
However my question is about the tag - isn't it suggesting that such questions and all like "Is doing X bad?" are on-topic here?
Only 429 questions are tagged with it, along with more popular [design-patterns]. After quick look I would say that third of them are opinion-based.
Related question I've found (not about the tag): Is a question about design patterns too opinionated for Stack Overflow?
From my comment: when new user writes a question and sees that tag, they may think that question like "Is singleton anti-pattern?" are on-topic. I think, that this tag encourages bad questions. And considering small ammount of questions tagged with it, it may be a candidate for burnination.
Additionally, questions with this tag, that aren't opinion based are about specific technology/language/problem. I don't see any purpose of this tag being used.