There are 2 degradations I have experienced since this metric was removed.
When quickly interacting with another user, especially on some content produced a long time ago, it was a really quick and easy proxy for whether a response might be forthcoming. For example, you might stick around at your keyboard a few extra minutes to complete something if you know there's a good chance the person you're interacting with has seen it and is therefore likely to respond (i.e. if their 'last seen' was within the last 30 mins), but you may go on to other things if, for example, their last seen was >12 months ago.
It gives some idea as to whether an improvement to an answer has not been made because the author is no longer using the site, or whether they chose a very specific implementation which is superior to a more obvious implementation but for reasons which are not obvious. If the user has been last seen within the last day or so, it's likely they are active, and an '@' to them will get noticed / addressed. Whereas an '@' to an inactive user rarely gets a response. Of course, without knowing their 'last seen', you can still '@' them to clarify/improve the answer, you just have less information to predict whether you'll get a timely response.
It was useful. Consider bringing it back.